IIPE (Indian Institution of Production Engineers)  
promoting the cause of Production Engineering

20-June-2012 Lecturer & Presentation on TOC


To the Home Page of IIPE

The Premier Body of Indian Manufacturing Professionals

We Aim to serve the manufacturing fraternity- whether you are an engineer or an accountant or even a medical doctor, but engaged in some way contributing to the manufacturing and technology excellence of this country -you can benefit from IIPE.

We aim to provide a platform for networking and knowledge sharing ,accessible whenever or wherever you choose.

To Find out more, please explore this site.
IIPEs Vision is to foster a work culture of “YOGAH KARMASU KAUSHALAM” >>>> more
IIPE's National Headquarters is at Bangalore. An elected Governing Body, headed by National Chairman, and consisting of members from all over India, monitors the activities of the Institution >>>> more
IIPE has a number of Centres around the country. Each Centre has its own elected Executive Committee, planning and monitoring their activities >>>> more
Whether you are an engineer or even an accountant, as long as you are engaged in some way contributing to the manufacturing and technology excellence of this country, you are welcome to join our fraternity >>>more
IIPE publishes a quarterly journal MT&M – Manufacturing Technology & Management, and a monthly newsletter IIPE-Manufacturing News >>>> more